“This show isn’t just about the magic. It isn’t about the ‘trick’. It isn’t about ‘look at me I am trying to fool you.’ It isn’t about ego. This show is about communication through magic. This show is about energy, humility, compassion, and a collective souls coming together. This is a spiritual and cultural coming of age.” – Rich Manley
Culture Shock
“Bridging Cultures Through Magic”
Travel, Magic, Adventure Documentary
In a time when the world is in a state of spiritual flux, of misunderstanding and false judgements, let us delve into the secrets of the ancients, of culture, of places where ideals are simpler, and the heart stays true and strong. Throughout history, ancient civilizations and cultures consisted of a life or death factor, which aided in the understanding of what it truly meant to be alive. Through the study of magic, culture, history, tradition and geography, let us connect to the spirituality and cultures of foreign civilizations to find our place in the here and now and awaken our souls.
“Culture Shock” mixes an Indiana Jones style adventure with a spiritual quest. Rich, after uncovering his grandfathers old travel journal that was left behind in his old house, finds that the journal is more than he could have imagined. Full of mystery and missing pages, the journal appears to follow the adventures of his grandfather as he traveled throughout the world. Reviewing the journal, Rich uncovers that his grandfather, a surgeon, explorer, and magician, was searching for something across the globe, magic.
In Culture Shock, Rich will explore indigenous tribes, meet locals, shamans, and learn about their beliefs and forms of magic, as Rich shares his own. he will also discuss pertinent issues through interviews and discussions with these people that directly relate to the current region he is in, (poachers, deforestation, pollution of rivers, to name a few).
This show will put the audience through the cultural wringer and then unify them with the people through the performance and sharing of magic. It’s about bridging the cultural gap and making the lines that divide us disappear. Magic is indeed a universal language, one that can instill fear, joy, wonder and healing. “Culture Shock” will tap into this intrigue and wonder to find a spiritual center and balance.
With his knowledge, talents and skill, Rich will set out to explore different cultures and civilizations by adventuring through harsh and sometimes dangerous terrain. The end result can only be what his grandfather ultimately set out for him to discover, magic is everywhere.
Latest Adventures
In his wild adventure, full of dangerous stunts, exploration, and a test of will, Rich shares the magic and illusions he learned from his grandfather with indigenous peoples of the world. They, in turn, share their unique magic with him.